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How An Old Drug Is Being Used In New Ways To Treat The Untreatable...

And how you can provide patients with a service they need while building a brand new business around it - before the rest of the medical community catches on...

Have you ever found yourself questioning if all the hard work, student loans, & long hours were worth it?

You're not alone. According to Health eCareer's 2017 Healthcare Recruiting Trends Report, only 14% of medical professionals are "very satisfied" with their income. That's why I want to introduce you to a discovery that has transformed not only my medical practice but the practices of over 400 hundred of my students worldwide.

Imagine going from the exhausting daily grind to a highly profitable and deeply gratifying career. It's possible, and I want to show you how!

Don't let your hard work go to waste - take the next step towards the career you've always dreamed of. Join me and discover the key to a successful medical practice.

I'm Talking About:
  • Patients that come in for 6 infusions for their initial treatment, and then monthly or bi-monthly for boosters.
  • Patients that happily pay cash for their infusion means you don't have to deal with (or wait for) insurance companies.
  • All for a service they desperately need, want, and can’t get almost anywhere else.
As A Result Of THAT, I’ve Been Able To:
  • Cut down on shift work, overtime, being on call etc...
  • Take days (or weeks) off whenever I want to...
  • Go from employee at the mercy of a boss to business owner with complete control over my time...
  • Spend more time with my family and doing the other things I love...

Total Freedom To Choose Who You Serve And How You Do It.

Speaking of need, the great thing about ketamine is that it can be used to treat a wide variety of conditions, including:

  • Treatment-resistant depression
  • PTSD
  • Bipolar
  • OCD
  • Anxiety
  • Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain

So what does it all mean?

There are a lot more patients than current clinics can handle, which means even if you know absolutely nothing about business or marketing you can start a clinic and have patients looking for you!

I know...because that's what happened to me. Before I even opened my doors I had patients calling to schedule appointments.

Since then, I've helped over 400 practitioners start their own clinics and heard many of the same stories. A lot of these new clinic owners are telling me how thankful their patients are that they opened. They've said that their patients had been driving 3 hours OR MORE to get treatment!

And I bet there are dozens of people waiting for you to open up a clinic near them...

How Is All This Possible?

I’m talking, of course, about ketamine therapy.

You’ve probably heard of them before, after all - ketamine was featured on the cover of TIME as a “surprising new drug” in the treatment of depression.

What you may not have realized is how easy and worthwhile it is to add ketamine infusions to your existing practice...or to start a whole new practice around it, like I did.

Why ketamine? Well...for one, the demand is exploding faster than ketamine clinics can keep up, with a market of 100 million people with treatment-resistant depression comprising just 1 segment of it.

Why else? How about the fact that it’s extremely affordable for clinics to administer, meaning much greater freedom in who you serve. Imagine not having to worry about razor thin profit margins and instead being able to focus on treating the affluent population in your city or putting your efforts towards providing free and reduced cost to patients who can't afford them by opening up a non-profit clinic and fundraising.

Join The Ketamine Business Accelerator Program Today

How I Went From Employee To Business Owner

I founded my own ketamine infusion clinic while still working as a nurse anesthetist at a local hospital.

After that, my colleagues (and even people I didn't know from all over the world) began to notice the clinic's success and started asking me how I did it.

So I would get on a call with each of them, give them the rundown of how I started my clinic, the questions to ask a lawyer, what to look for in an office space, negotiating lease terms, finding equipment and supplies, basic marketing strategies, etc...

I had so many people asking and the calls took up so much of my time I couldn't do anything else. That's when I decided to record everything I knew about opening a clinic and put it in one easy-to-follow course. And the Ketamine Academy was born.

Today, I’ve helped Hundreds of students all over the world open their own successful practices or add ketamine infusions to their existing practice.

This is where you come in...

The academy gives you a specific blueprint for opening your own ketamine clinic capable of generating $1,800 to $4,200 per patient in their first month of treatment, all without having to deal with insurance companies.

So whether you’re looking to get out of your day job by starting your own practice, add a new stream of income from the practice you have, or just create a side hustle, the Ketamine Academy has your roadmap.

“What Does It Take To Add Ketamine Infusions To Your Practice...Or To Set Up A New Ketamine Clinic From Scratch?”

Not as much as you’d think.

It might surprise you, but here’s a few of the things you DON’T need to start your own ketamine clinic:

  • ​You DON’T need any prior business or marketing experience.
  • You DON’T need to have your own practice yet.
  • You DON’T need tens of thousands of dollars to start.
  • ​You DON'T need to be a physician to get started.
  • All you need to do is follow the proven steps I’ve laid out for you inside the program.

Why Have 400+ Students Already Had Success With The Ketamine Academy?

The online Ketamine Business Accelerator Program is a comprehensive coaching and training program that combines theory with lessons from real-life clinical experience. We’ve done absolutely everything imaginable to ensure your success.

In other words, we’ll show and coach you how to administer the treatments AND build the business. Nothing’s left to chance.

Here’s how we’ve done it:

First, you will acquire the knowledge and skill necessary to provide this safe and highly effective therapy with our video training course.

Then you’ll learn step-by-step how to start and grow your ketamine infusion clinic so you have a predictable flow of patients coming through the door every week.

When opening my own clinic we saw an 80% growth month over month almost immediately - and we’ll show you exactly how we’ve done it so you can model our success.


Our students love that they are able to ask questions to our instructors any time.

As part of our commitment to helping you in any way we can, we are offering exclusive live group coaching sessions monthly where your questions and concerns will be answered by the Ketamine Academy founders along with other ketamine clinic founders and clinicians.

Worry that you can't join the calls? We are happy to introduce our Video Response Program where you can send in your business or clinical question, and get a video response sent back to you within 5 business days!

As recommended by:

Our Ketamine Therapy Course gets 5 star reviews!

We are very proud of our ketamine therapy coaching & online course program and we work diligently to help our students find success. Here are some reviews from some of our amazing students, all with a variety of backgrounds and license types.

Amazing course!

The course has been wonderful! It has saved us so much time. We are seeing our first patient tomorrow and we are confident and adequately prepared because of Jason and the Academy. Thank you so much for this amazing course!

Lisa Grissim


Student Community

Everything U need to start your new adventure. Chance for networking as well with similar people

Kathy Burgess


Thank you, Jason!

I've always thought opening a clinic was a great option but because I don't have a business background I was hesitatnt to go down this road. With Jason's course, it gave me the roadmap on how to do the research for mys tate and the steps I needed to take. I still had to put the work in, but the course gave me the confidence to do it. Also, Jason always gets back to me and my questions very quickly!

Carolina Mette, CRNA


Very informative!

I have been looking to offer Ketamine Services in my clinic for some time and this course was a complete source for all my needs. CEUs, FOrms, References were all great and the course progressed in a logical manner. Highly recommended. Jason is great. Thank you so much for this resource.

Kristopher Brown

"One of the things that my business partner and I really liked about Ketamine Academy is the Facebook page. There are several providers on there with years of experience. I've already run 5 to 10 different things across people there to get their take on clinical scenarios. It's been extremely helpful since there aren't many guidelines specifically for ketamine infusion. It's good to see what other providers have done and what industry standards are."


"The course is extremely well done. Jason's like the Tony Robbins of getting things done because he teaches the aspect of business and getting things off the ground and motivation, rather than, you know, here's Ketamine, here's how it works, because those things I already know. 90 percent of the material that he covers is things that I had no clue about, and if the course didn't exist, it literally would have been impossible for me to even imagine starting a venture like this."

Joseph Raziano MD

"I'm happy to say that I received 100 percent of what I expected from the class and more. That being becoming a part of this network with invaluable resources and perks. Jason makes a point to bring former patients and students to provide their stories and journeys, which is quite interesting and educational."

Sergio Sobredo MD

"After taking this course I believe I have the tools, the templates, and most importantly the updated information and support of the Ketamine Academy to be able to finally launch this business. I've been a CRNA for 20 plus years and it's time to move into a different direction and I think I can do it in the next six months."

Ramona M. Domen Ph

"The portion of the course covering insurances, types of leases, marketing, how to use QuickBooks, and all the recommendations you give just saved me so much time and money. I really can't say enough about the course. I loved it. I am very appreciative that you took the time to put this course together because I feel like it is really helping a lot of people."

Sarah Wilczewski CRNA

Coaching Program Curriculum

Get Lifetime Access to the

Ketamine Business Accelerator Program

3 years of access to the Ketamine Academy Business Accelerator Program

Course Curriculum

*Must complete the program within 1 year of enrollment to get CE credits.

Developing the Mindset for Success

This is one of the most overlooked aspects to success and is never taught in schools. These trainings will help you gain clarity and get focused on making your clinic wildly successful.

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Planning Your Ketamine Practice

Overcoming your fears and Limiting Beliefs
Turning Your Dream Into A Vision
​Know Your Why
​​Goal Setting
Market Research & Analysis
Competitive Analysis
Environmental Analysis
SWOT Analysis
Design yYour Practice for Success
Selecting the Office Location


Ketamine Business Model

Estimating Income & Expenses
The Income Statement
Financial Project Assumptions
Gross Revenue Projections
Avoid Pain Management Pitfalls
Estimating Ongoing Expenses and Start-Up Expenses
Navigating Your Funding Options
Understanding Commercial Leases
Common Leasing Terms & Types of Commercial Leases
Broker Compensation
Making Your Lease Offer
Licensing & Regulations
Strategies to Overcome Scope of Practice Limitations in Your State
Operating an Evidence-Based Ketamine Practice


Setting Up Your Business

Developing Your Business Name
Purchase a Domain Name
Logo Design Tips
Tax Planning
Finding an Accountant
Finding an Attorney
Business Accounting
Patient Financing Options
Hiring Best Practices
Employment Agreements
Non-compete Agreements
Non-solicitation Agreements
Anti-Kickback Statute
Payroll Taxes
Credit Card Processing Setup
Website Creation
Medical Supplies & Equipment
Ketamine Distributors
Equipment Purchasing & ORdering
Sedation Levels & Requirements


Marketing & Social Media Tips That Will Fill Up Your Ketamine Clinic

One of the most important aspects of adding ketamine to your clinic is having a steady stream of patients coming through your door. These lessons will show you how to keep your infusion chairs full.

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Digital Marketing

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Search Engines
Key Terms with Definitions
Paid Search Advertising
Paying for Ads
Social Media Marketing Foundations
Social Channels and Best Practices
Social Media Strategy
Social Media Best Practices
Social Media Tools and Measurements
Outsourcing Social Media


The Patient Experience

How To Provide The Best Customer Service
What You Need To Do To Have The Best Clinic In Town
Clinicians Case Studies


The Art & Science of Ketamine Therapy

You'll come away from these lessons with an in-depth knowledge of how ketamine and other medications work together in treatment so you can confidently administer treatment to your patients.

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Understanding Ketamine Clinic Pharmacology Like A True Expert

History of Ketamine
Chemical Structure & Preparation
Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
​Antihypertensives-Clonidine, Metoprolol, Esmolol, Hydralazine, Labetalol
​​ALCS Med Review
​​Antiemetics-Zofran IV and ODT, Phenergan, Compazine, Reglan
​​Ketamine Cream
​Compounding Pharmacies
​Spravato (Esketamine)


Guide To Caring for Mental Health Patients With Confidence

Psychiatric Evaluation
Despressive Disorders
Postpartum Depression
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Substance Use Disorder
Seasonal Affective Disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Ketamine Assisted Therapy
Bipolar Disorder
Ketamine Use in Children and Adolescents


Deep Dive Into Successful Pain Management With Ketamine

Epidemiology of Pain
Anatomy and Physiology of Pain Review
Types of Pain
​Assessment of Pain
​Pain Terminology
​​​Diagnostic Testing of Nerve Function
Pharmacological Treatment of Pain
​​Ketamine for Acute Pain
​​​​Ketamine for Chronic Pain


Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy for Depression

Introduction to Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy
Types of Clinicians & Psychotheraphy
KAP Clinicians and Therapies
KAP Efficacy
Ketamine Mechanisms of Action
Best Practices for KAP Providers



Bonus # 1 - Get Found On Our Ketamine Clinic Directory

Get listed on the Ketamine Academy website which is already getting thousands of views each month. This is going to help you rank higher on the major search engines so more patients find you when searching for treatment.

$997 Value

Bonus # 2 - Clinic Forms And Templates So You Don't Have To Create Your Own

One of the most tedious and boring parts of starting a clinic is creating all the forms you need from assessment tools to medical history and medical and office supplies checklists. Check out the full list below. 

  • Ketamine Clinic Physical Evaluation Form
  • New Patient Privacy Practices Notice
  • PTSD Assessment
  • New Patient Intake & Clinic Policies Form
  • Consent for Ketamine Treatment Form
  • Neuropathic Pain Assessment Tool
  • Discharge Instructions Template
  • Ketamine Infusion Record Version 2
  • Ketamine Referral Form
  • Medical Records Release Form
  • Subcontract for Certified Nurse Practitioner Specialty Services
  • Non-Compete Agreement
  • Nurse Practitioner Job Post
  • Job Offer Letter
  • Sample Operating Agreement

Total Value: $3,499

Bonus # 3 - Policies & Procedures Manual

Get over 180 Policy & Procedures templates you need to run an effective, efficient & compliant practice + important forms & checklists. This manual is extremely comprehensive and will be delivered in electronic format only.

Total Value: $2997

Bonus # 4 - Researched Backed Dosing Protocols To Take Out Any Guess Work

Don't waste your trying researching or trying to figure out which protocols you should be using. We've curated the best dosing protocols to use that are actually backed by science and research.

  • Clinic Emergency Protocols Template
  • Protocols for chronic pain
  • Ketamine Infusion Protocol/Orders Template
  • Most commonly used Ketamine protocol for depression & PTSD

Total Value: $497

Bonus # 5 - Official Business Plan

Get the exact same business plan that dozens of our students have used to get clarity on their business and secure funding. Even if you aren't looking for outside funding this will help you gain clarity and create a roadmap for a successful clinic.

Total Value: $997

Bonus # 6 - Exclusive Student Community So You Can Network With Other Successful Students

Get 24/7 Access to our exclusive Facebook community so you can network with other ketamine clinic owners. You'll be able to ask questions and get answers from others who are having success right now.

Total Value: $997

Bonus # 7 - Patient Explainer Video

We’ve put together an animated patient explainer video that you can use on your website, in your marketing, or in your office to help explain what ketamine does, how it works, and what a typical appointment looks like.

Total Value: $497

Bonus # 8 - Certificate of Completion

Become a certified ketamine infusion provider. Display your certificate of completion with pride in your office while giving your patients the piece of mind knowing they're in the hands of a trained professional.



Get 40% Off Your Tuition When You Pay In Full

3 Pay Plan

Split your tuition payments into 3 installments of $1,333 per month

$ 1,333 /month

  • Lifetime Access to the Course*
  • 1 year of access to
    the Group Coaching Calls
  • *Course must be completed within
    the first year to obtain
    the CE credits

Save 40%!

PayPal Checkout Is Available For Pay In Full Enrollments.


$ 2,999

  • Lifetime Access to the Course*
  • 1 year of access to
    the Group Coaching Calls
  • *Course must be completed within
    the first year to obtain
    the CE credits

6 Pay Plan

Split your tuition payments into
6 installments of $833 per month

$ 833 /month

  • Lifetime Access to the Course*
  • 1 year of access to
    the Group Coaching Calls
  • *Course must be completed within
    the first year to obtain
    the CE credits

For your security, all orders are processed on a secured server.

We offer a 72-hour money-back guarantee.

If you enroll and don't think this program is a good fit for you, simply let us know within the first 72 hours and we will give you a FULL refund. No questions asked..

Meet Your Instructors

Jason Duprat, MBA, MSA, APRN, CRNA
Founder & Instructor
Jason is a serial entrepreneur, nurse anesthetist, and retired nurse corps naval officer. He was the former detachment training officer for Expeditionary Medical Facility-Dallas, Det A. He founded, operated, and later sold his ketamine therapy practice. He is the founder & lead instructor of the Ketamine Academy and the founder & co-instructor of the IV Therapy Academy and the Med Spa Launch Academy.

Jason is also the creator and host of the Healthcare Entrepreneur Academy Podcast, a podcast devoted to inspiring, motivating, and educating healthcare professionals on their quest to become successful healthcare business owners.

Jason is passionate about helping other healthcare professionals find true freedom and happiness through entrepreneurship. In his spare time, he enjoys weight training, spending time on the water with his family, and helping his church LIVE stream their service.

Education And TrainingWest Chester University of Pennsylvania, Master of Business Administration, Dec, 2019
Barry University, Orlando, Florida, Master of Science in Anesthesiology, May, 2014
University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida, Accelerated Second Degree BSN, Aug, 2009
​Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York, Bachelor of Science in Management with a conc. in Information Technology, Nov. 2005.

National Certifications/TrainingAmerican Heart Association
Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)
Pediatric Advanced Cardiac Life Support (PALS)
Basic Life Support (BLS)
Emergency Nurses Association
+Trauma Nurse Course Curriculum
National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians
+ Tactical Combat Casualty Care
Defense Medical Readiness Training Institute
+ Combat Casualty Care Course
American Association of Critical Care Nurses
+ CCRN​​
Navy Reserve Unit Management Course

Professional AssociationsPsychedelic Medicine Association
Military Officers Association
American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology
Florida Association of Nurse Anesthetists
American Nurses Association
National Nurses in Business Association
Society of Physician Entrepreneurs

Paul Colligan, DNP, CRNA
Paul earned his Doctorate of Nursing Practice and Masters of Nursing from the University of Minnesota. He has an entrepreneurial spirit and a strong interest in breaking down complex situations and creating workable solutions, which constantly drives him to think outside the box.

In addition to owning a successful ketamine clinic in Minnesota, he provides professional anesthesia services for his own group, West-Pacific Anesthesia, and another private anesthesia group in Minnesota.

Paul’s knack for teaching and engaging with students to optimize their learning experience has been his signature teaching approach, giving him high reviews from students. Even though he does a lot of educating, he feels he is taught every day by learning more from his students and patients.

When he isn’t working hard, you will find Paul playing hard, spending time with his family, traveling with his wife and five kids to the ocean, diving, surfing, fishing, or somewhere in the mountains hiking or camping. Additionally, he enjoys playing with one of their two dogs and keeping them away from the chickens, working out/running and endurance training, reading about human optimization and biohacking.

Education And TrainingUniversity of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, Doctor of Nursing Practice, 2015
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, Masters of Nursing, 2008
Portland State University, Portland, OR, Bachelor of Science
Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, Bachelor of Science
Bemidji State University, Bemidji, MN, Bachelor of Science

National Certifications/TrainingAmerican Heart Association
Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)
Pediatric Advanced Cardiac Life Support
Basic Life Support (BLS)
Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP)
Infant Resuscitation/Stabilization Program

Professional AssociationsAmerican Association of Nurse Anesthesiology
Minnesota Association of Nurse Anesthetists
Minnesota APRN Coalition
American Nurses Association
Society of Physician Entrepreneurs
American Society of Ketamine Providers

Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, absolutely. NPs can open clinics in all states. Depending on your state, you may need to hire a physician to collaborate with.
Unfortunately, it is not a cure, and repeated visits are required. Depending on the patient, they may have to come back anywhere from every month to 6 months.
Yes, absolutely! It can be administered by an infusion clinic. There are certain rules and guidelines that need to be followed. I cover that in more detail in the course. No, it can not be given in a "salon."
When one partner enrolls in the program, each additional partner or staff person can have their own account created for a one-time enrollment fee of $699 plus $49 for the succeeding months. This monthly fee can be canceled anytime after the first 12 months. This will allow each person to have their own login, completion certificate, and get continuing education credits. If you're a large organization looking to train a whole team please reach out to [email protected] to discuss the possibility of a group rate.
Yes, downloadable lists for medical supplies and equipment are included in the program.
Great questions. I actually did a Facebook live lesson on this. Here is the link if you are interested in watching. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2GGijdGRzqc In summary, esketamine has helped boost awareness of ketamine as a treatment option. It is far less effective than the racemic ketamine given IV. At this point, we are not sure if insurance will reimburse us or what they will pay. Patients given nasal esketamine must still be administered the medication in a clinical setting and supervised for 2 hours. As long as reimbursement is reasonable, many ketamine clinics plan to offer this as an option to patients who wouldn't otherwise be able to afford the better IV option. Overall, I think it is good for ketamine clinics.
Yes, RNs can open a clinic but would need to hire or partner with a provider (NP, CRNA, MD, DO). Since CRNAs function under medical direction, we need physicians to practice...what physicians can we ask other than pain management physicians. In almost every state, there is no specialty requirement for the supervising physician. The Nurse Practice Act will tell you who can supervise or collaborate. Typically they state it can be any MD, DO, or even a podiatrist.
No, you do not. Low-dose ketamine is the administration of sedation, and there is no requirement to be an anesthesia provider to administer low-dose ketamine.
Ideally, you'd be open one day during the week, even if it's only in the evening. A new patient protocol usually consists of 6 infusions over two weeks which would require them to come once during the week. You could reserve those weeknight slots only for new patients and then schedule boosters on the weekends.
It depends. Where you live, who you want to serve, how many chairs/rooms you want to start with, what part of town you have your office in, etc, are all critical factors in determining startup costs. When I opened my clinic in Albuquerque, I was able to start it for a little less than $15,000. If you're a hands-on person, it's possible your startup costs could be similar. We do include a startup cost calculator with the Ketamine Academy so you can figure out exactly how much you need to get going.
Pretty close. While we have done our best to make this as much of a step-by-step process as possible, this is still a business, and you'll have to decide how you'd like to run your clinic. There are also state-specific things (like regulations) that will be different depending on where in the United States (or the world) you're opening your clinic.

So look...right now you really have two choices...

You can keep doing what you’re doing. Working hard, long days. Getting paid less than you know your expertise is worth.

Or you can take the plunge into the lucrative world of ketamine infusions and transform your life the way hundreds have before you.

The shift is happening either way. This trend will continue to grow no matter what you do.

That’s why I hope you’ll choose to join us inside the Ketamine Academy. After all, it’s completely risk free for you...and it might very well change your career and your life.

So click the button to join now, and I’ll see you on the inside.

Get Instant Access

Just think…

If ALL this course did was bring you 1 ketamine infusion patient per MONTH, would it be worth it?

If ALL this course did was decrease your reliance on your day job, would it be worth it?

If ALL this course did was help you normalize your work schedule so you had more time for living, would it be worth it?

If ALL this course did was increase the revenue you made from your existing patients, would it be worth it?

If so, then you owe it to yourself to give the academy a shot.

The only thing you risk is wondering “why didn’t I do this sooner?”

- Jason Duprat MBA, MSA, APRN, CRNA


Ketamine Therapy Business Accelerator

This program has been prior approved by the American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology for 20 Class A CE Credits; Code Number 1044059; Expiration Date 2/1/2026

Ketamine Therapy Clinical

This program has been prior approved by the American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology for 30 Class A CE credits; Code Number 1044060; Expiration Date 2/1/2026


(MDs, DOs) may be able to claim Category 2 credit.

This category is flexible and often includes activities like teaching, self-directed learning, and non-accredited courses.

Physicians should consult the guidelines of the AMA or their professional organization for Category 2 credits and follow the necessary steps to apply for credit.

Questions? Concerns? Feedback?

Please send us an email at [email protected] and we will respond to you within 4 hours during our business operations.
Our business hours are from Mondays through Fridays, 9AM-5PM ET.